Voice Club Beginners
This choral group is for beginners, has a course character and is based on 2 semesters to get started or to refresh your basic musical knowledge.
With an easier repertoire, we enable you to get started or re-enter music. No audition is necessary for this group - you just come and sing along! With practical examples from simpler choral literature of all musical genres (pop and classical), the focal points of ear training, rhythm training, singing technique and voice retention are taught. Therefore, beginners can take part and actively (re)discover the wonderful world of music! This invitation is especially for male voices who want to sing and have no singing experience.
If you want to continue singing after two semesters, you can audition for one of the other choirs at the end of the academic year. We know from experience that some singers have previous knowledge, but are reluctant to audition. Here you can participate for one or two semesters without an audition, get to know the choirmaster and the personally. This course can only be attended for two semesters and cannot be repeated.
There is no age limit for this group and you do not necessarily have to be a student at the Vienna University to join.
On Tuesday 8th October from 8pm to 10pm there will be a trial rehearsal for anyone who would like to find out more and get to know us.
On the one hand, beginners are interested in this choir and, on the other, those who have not been musically active for a long time and want to refresh their musical knowledge first before they audition for a choir needing advanced singing skills. In order to meet all needs, two groups will be offered in the winter semester 2024-25, which will be merged in the summer semester 2025:
Group 1: (Monday 6-7:30pm)
Beginners with no previous knowledge - here the focus is on reading music and rhythm training and 30 minutes of music theory are practiced before every choir rehearsal.
Group 2: (Tuesday 8:15- 9:45pm)
Singers with previous knowledge (at least 3-4 years of instrumental experience). Sight-singing is entirely different than playing an instrument from sheet music. Here your previous instrumental knowledge will be applied to learn sight-reading as a singer.
If you cannot make it on one of these weekdays, just join the other group for the winter semester.
Accordingly, you will participate in the following activities:
10 units per semester of weekly choir rehearsals of 90 minutes each
Participation in 8 concerts with the learned repertoire (pop, classical, musical)
A welcomeing party and an end of academic year party with free drinks
Group 1:
8 units of 30 minutes each in small groups of music theory and rhythm training
1 unit of 60 minutes each small group singing lessons
1 unit of 60 minutes of polyphonic small group ensemble singing
Group 2:
2 units of 60 minutes each in small groups, music theory and rhythm
2 units of 60 minutes each for small group singing lessons
2 units of 60 minutes each of polyphonic small group ensemble singing
Course fee € 130 per semester
On 29th and 30th May 2025 there will be concerts with songs by Franz Schubert and Johannes Brahms and on 13th, 14th and 15th June a medley from the musical “Lion King” will be sung in the main hall of the Vienna University. By participating in these concerts you will gain widespread concert experience.
Additionally, we offer an optional choir workshop in Tuscany from May 27th to June 1st.
On 13th, 14th and 15th December 2024, the choir performed the pop concerts “The Roaring 80s” with music by Tina Turner, Michael Jackson, Madonna and much more.
Last academic year, the Voice Club Beginners sang “A Swinging Christmas” at the Golden Hall of the Wiener Musikverein as well as songs from German Romanticism and a medley from the musical “The Phantom of the Opera” at the main hall of the Vienna University.
Many new students, international exchange students and people new to Vienna come to the Voice Club Beginners and have few contacts outside of their own university department. To make it easier for you to join our community, we are organizing a welcome party with a "Speed Friending" event mid-October. We are looking forward to meet you!
Rehearsals: Donnerstag 20:15 – 21:45, BIG Hörsaal
Rehearsal Rooms